
28 Sep

Teeth Are Fun: A Better Smile Makes For A Better Life

We’re not saying that enlightenment isn’t available to people with crooked or damaged teeth, but this much is certain: Having a great smile makes it easier to share your heart with others. Could a better smile make you a better person? It’s worth finding out! Learn more about smile restoration at your free oral health

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27 Sep

Teeth Are Fun: Serious Disease Is Not Much Fun

Periodontal disease – or gum disease – is a serious condition that can make you smell bad, drool all over everything and have mouth pain. Plus, it can lead to tooth damage and worse. It’s no joke. But treatment is available that can put you on the path toward good health. It all starts with

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26 Sep

Teeth Are Fun: Great Teeth Make Smiling So Much More Fun!

If your teeth are ugly, there’s no reason to beat yourself up about it. After all, no one’s perfect. But now’s the time to get started on a more perfect smile – so you can use those 17 positive muscles to show it off and give those 43 negative face stretchers some time off. Learn

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23 Sep

Biomimetic Dentistry: FAQs

What is the meaning of the term biomimetic? Biomimetic means copying properties that are related to life. Therefore, biomimetic dentistry is a kind of dental treatment that involves treating damaged teeth while retaining the good tooth structure and its vitality. Is biomimetic dentistry a new concept? Though the biomimetic procedure is relatively new in the

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22 Sep

Teeth Are Fun: What You Really Need Is…

What you really need is motivation to brush your teeth – so remember that brushing removes icky plaque than can become tartar, debris that can cause infection, junky stuff that can cause bad breath and acids that can cause staining and decay. Is that enough motivation for you? Learn more at your free oral health

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21 Sep

Teeth Are Fun: Harder Than That, And That… And That Too!

That’s right: Tooth enamel is harder than your fingernails, harder than your bones and even harder than that callus you got from those shoes that never really fit right and you had to finally throw away. But acids in foods can damage it, especially if you don’t clean the bad stuff away. See how you’re

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