Did you know that more comfortable and quicker orthodontic treatment is possible when you use VPro+ just 5 minutes every day? But what is? And how does it help? At Capri Modern Dentistry San Diego we’re pleased to provide the option of using the remarkable VPro+ device from Propel Orthodontics – a respected maker of
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Many dental offices, including ours, have opted for the sake of our communities to only see emergency patients until the current COVID-19 crisis passes. So the current question becomes, what constitutes a dental emergency? What DOES NOT qualify as a dental emergency Pain that can be managed with over the counter medication Cases with mild
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Dear Patients, I hope this message finds you and your family safe and taking the proper precautions relating to the COVID-19 virus. You may have heard government recommendations that that hospitals across the country “consider stopping elective surgery”. We believe they are making this recommendation to reserve hospital resources, including staff and supplies, for anticipated
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Perhaps you’re already convinced that we’re the best dental clinic for you. Or perhaps you’re not. Either way, we believe we can help any dental patient look, feel and function better – and that includes you. If you need an extraction, implant or dental surgery and are concerned about pain or slow healing, we can
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December 16, 2019
in Blog
Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry) has joined other dentists in her mission work providing free implant services to underprivileged people in Mexico. The nation has a rampant problem with dental disease that leaves as many as 70 percent of citizens over age 65 with no or few teeth. Photos Show Excellent Work These photos may be hard
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Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry) and her gentle dentistry extends farther than most realize through her charitable work in Mexico helping mostly edentulous patients with little bone for their dentures to hold on to them by placing implants that they can clip into. But her passion for providing dental implants to the underprivileged in our neighboring country
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Thank you for having a great time with us Emily!
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Invisalign teeth aligners are different from attached metal braces because you can take them out – and eat what you want. You can also properly clean your teeth, go to that important job interview and pose for family photos with worrying about your aligners. It’s a better way to get straight teeth – and the
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Replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months means you’re eliminating built-up gunk and getting bristles that clean like they should, not limp ones that are tired and ineffective. If you’ve been sick or have oral health issues, replace even more often – because there’s no downside to a fresh, clean toothbrush. For a free
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For missing teeth, no solution is better for restoring the look and feel of natural teeth than dental implants. And they’re smaller and gentler than ever before. After the healing is complete, you pretty much treat an implant like a natural tooth. No special care is required. Are dental implants the solution you’ve been looking
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