If we could offer you one word of advice, we’d offer these four (and break the rules a little) because brushing and flossing are equally important to oral health, and mouth rinses help control bacteria than can cause decay. Learn about how we can be your partner in oral health by calling Capri Modern Dentistry
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We’re not asking if you’ve ever brushed your teeth. We’re wondering if you’ve remembered to do it at least twice today – and preferably after each meal too. It’s the first line of defense against tooth decay and gum disease. So come on: Have you? For a free oral health consultation to see if your
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Dentists talk about brushing and flossing a lot, but it’s easy to forget the purpose: to get rid of bacteria and debris that can cause tooth decay – not just to make your teeth feel squeaky clean. But you can’t reach everything. For a free oral health consultation to see what it will take to
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