
5 Aug

Teeth Are Fun: Do Your Teeth Speak Kindness?

Smiles say a lot, but dirty and damaged teeth have a lot to say too. Get your teeth cleaned and get problems fixed so you can always speak kindness where ever you go. Or say whatever you want to say with complete confidence. It all starts with a free oral health consultation, available by calling

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4 Aug

Teeth Are Fun: Good Brushing Leads To Strong, Healthy Teeth!

When you brush and floss regularly, your teeth stay strong, healthy and clean. But we’re not so sure it’s a good thing when a tooth is standing on your toothbrush handle. Get started on the path toward keeping your teeth where they belong for your entire life when you contact Capri Modern Dentistry San Diego

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3 Aug

Teeth Are Fun: Clean Teeth Make Every Morning Bright!

A morning just isn’t a morning unless your teeth are clean and your smile is wide. Take the time to brush with a good toothbrush and a toothpaste you like — for great dental health, fresh breath and happy teeth that smile like these. For a professional cleaning and more, contact Capri Modern Dentistry in

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18 Jul

Teeth Are Fun: Root Canal Therapy Helps Make You Feel Better

If you’ve heard horror stories about root canal therapy, you must have been talking to someone really old or someone who wants to scare you. Root canals aren’t painful or barbaric anymore – in fact, they’re designed to relieve pain and restore function. Plus, there are alternatives to root canals that we can discuss during

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9 Jul

Teeth Are Fun: Do You Like Showing Your Teeth Off?

If you don’t like showing off your teeth – that is, smiling – is it because they look so bad? If it is, we can solve that problem so that you can live your best life and make smiling your favorite thing. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Your new smile starts now by contacting Capri Modern

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7 Jul

Teeth Are Fun: Tired Of These Keep Calm Things Yet?

Yeah, we are too. But it got your attention and that’s what matters. When you keep calm at our gentle dental office, we can help you smile better than ever before – with restored white teeth that look more amazing than you ever thought possible. It really can happen when you contact Capri Modern Dentistry

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2 Jul

Teeth Are Fun: There’s A Clear Aligner In There, So Smile

You’ll feel like smiling more than ever before as you straighten your teeth and improve your bite no matter where you go. The clear aligner inside that little round box can make a world of difference in your teeth, your self-confidence – and your life. Get started with a free dental and oral health assessment

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Poway, CA 92064